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Core Values

Our Core Values are based on three guiding principles:

Hands Up

Equity for All

We believe all Fort Collins residents have the right to safe, stable, healthy housing regardless of race or income. We support policies that allow for more housing choice, a variety of price entry points, and the opportunity for residents to live in neighborhoods that are best for them and their families.


Prosperity that is Inclusive

Healthy stable housing is fundamental to quality educational attainment, economic opportunity, and better health outcomes. When we have a safe place to sleep, spend time with our kids, and invest back into our community, everyone wins. Ensuring our housing stock meets the changing needs of our community is foundational to the success of Fort Collins.


Taking Care of the Environment

We support policies that disincentivize sprawl, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and focus the development of larger multi-family units near transit. Small infill development makes it easier to bike, walk, or take public transit to meet everyday needs, thus reducing negative environmental and climate impacts. 

About Us

FoCoForward started in a Fort Collins basement with a group of volunteers who wanted to make sure that the truth about the value of the Land Development Code -- passed by Fort Collins City Council in November of 2022 -- was shared with the community. This original group, which included current council members Julie Pignataro and Emily Francis, soon grew to over 25 volunteers and 30 organizations that want to ensure our city moves toward a more inclusive and sustainable community in which all residents have the opportunity to thrive.

In this iteration of FoCoForward, we are acting as a hub for information and events to help keep you civically engaged and in the know about the amazing efforts happening all over our wonderful city that support our shared Core Values above.


If you are interested in receiving our weekly newsletter join our mailing list by signing up on our Get Involved page. 

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